Categotry Archives: base instruments


Show times for Base Instruments and Gilded Cages at Arisia 2018!

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We are now on the schedule for performance times at Arisia 2018!

MRS. HAWKING parts 3 and 4
By Phoebe Roberts

at Arisia 2018 of Boston, MA

presented by The Chameleon’s Dish Theatre

Part III:
Base Instruments
by Phoebe Roberts
Friday, January 12th at 7:30PM


Part IV:
Gilded Cages
by Phoebe Roberts
Saturday, January 13th at 3:30PM
Sunday, January 14th at 12PM

Shows run 90 minutes without intermission

In Grand Ballroom B
At the Westin Boston Waterfront
425 Summer Street, Boston, MA

Be sure to come see our shows, including the world premiere of part 4: Gilded Cages, at Arisia 2018!

Mrs. Hawking parts III: Base Instruments and IV: Gilded Cages by Phoebe Roberts are to be performed January 12th-14th as part of Arisia 2018 at the Westin Boston Waterfront.


Cast and crew for Base Instruments and Gilded Cages at Arisia 2018

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I’m pleased to announce we have complete casts and crew for our productions of Mrs. Hawking parts III and IV at Arisia 2018!


Mrs. Hawking, part III:
Base Instruments
By Phoebe Roberts and Bernie Gabin


Mrs. Hawking – Cari Keebaugh
Mary Stone – Circe Rowan
Nathaniel Hawking – Jeremiah O’Sullivan
Clara Hawking – Sara Smith
Arthur Swann – Matthew Kamm
Justin Hawking – Christian Krenek
Elena Zakharova – Jackie Freyman
Lord Seacourse – Andrew Prentice
Kiril Chernovsky – Lucas Commons-Miller
Yulia Sherba – Jennifer Giorno
Ensemble – Sara Dion, Travis Ellis


Mrs. Hawking, part IV:
Gilded Cages
By Phoebe Roberts and Bernie Gabin


Mrs. Hawking – Cari Keebaugh
Mary Stone – Circe Rowan
Nathaniel Hawking – Jeremiah O’Sullivan
Arthur Swann – Matthew Kamm
Mrs. Chaudhary – Naomi Ibatsitas
Lord Brockton – Isaiah Max Plovnick
Mrs. Frost – Arielle Kaplan
Ensemble – Travis Ellis, Andrew Prentice


Victoria Stanton – Cari Keebaugh
Malaika Shah – Naomi Ibatsitas
Elizabeth Danvers – Arielle Kaplan
Reginald Hawking – Jeremiah O’Sullivan
Lt. Governor Stanton – Sam Jones


Director – Phoebe Roberts
Technical director – Bernie Gabin
Stage manager – Jack Cockerill
Costume designers – Claire Brosius, Jennifer Giorno
Sound designer – Neil Marsh
Violence designer – Arielle Kaplan
Run crew – Michael McAfee

I am delighted that while we have some new talents joining Team Hawking for the first time, we are overwhelmingly rejoined by our wonderful old friends who have been with us for multiple productions. Some have played these characters through the entirety of their journeys, while others have taken on a different role in each show. I’ve been so fortunate to have the chance to grow these stories with such a talented group of people again and again.

Notably, the brand-new part IV: Gilded Cages will be the very first time we experiment with casting actors as multiple characters within the same production. This can be a risky move, as it can possibly cause confusion in the audience to have a familiar face taking on a different part upon a subsequent appearance. But we’re hoping to make points about the comparisons between the characters who are played by the same actor, that there is something meaningfully similar between the two— or, in some cases, meaningfully different, which you notice when you see somebody who appears to be the same think and behave in a fundamentally separate way.

I’m very excited to experiment with this. It will be a fascinating challenge for the actors, to meaningfully create the two contrasting personas. And I can’t wait to see the results of their work. So come see us at the Westin Boston Waterfront on January 12th-14th at Arisia 2018 to see how we do!


NEXT PERFORMANCES – Base Instruments and Gilded Cages at Arisia 2018!

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Mrs. Hawking is returning to Arisia this January!

I am delighted to announce that Team Hawking is undertaking preparations to begin putting together our next round of production for Arisia 2018! We will be continuing our tradition of performing the two most recent installments, the part we debuted the previous year as a lead-in to a brand-new story, in order to make hook audiences into the flow of the series. So we are proud to present Mrs. Hawking 3: Base Instruments along with Mrs. Hawking 4: Gilded Cages, in its very first public peformance!

Soon we’ll announcing the cast, featuring an array of both familiar faces returning to their roles as well as new stars bringing their talent to the table. And we’ll make sure to keep you up to date on scheduling, development, and process as it unfolds. Until then, I hope to leave you all in anticipation of the next direction the Hawking story is about to explore!

And make sure to join us at Arisia 2018! this January the weekend of the 12th-15th at the Westin Boston Waterfront!


Time and location for Watch City Steampunk ’17 performances!

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Categories: base instruments, performance, vivat regina, Tags:

We have our performance times and locations for our productions of Vivat Regina and Base Instruments at the Watch City Steampunk Festival 2017!

We will be performing in downtown Waltham on Moody Street, famed for its restaurants and shopping, at 274 in the space that was formerly occupied by the Center for Digital Arts. We performed there once before and enjoyed it very much, so we’re very happy for the chance to return!

The MRS. HAWKING series
By Phoebe Roberts
At the Watch City Steampunk Festival 2017

2PM on Saturday, May 13th


6PM on Saturday, May 13th

At 274 Moody Street
In Waltham, MA

Admission is FREE
Donations gratefully accepted

We look forward to you joining us on that Saturday in May for the continuing story of the Lady’s Champion of London!

Vivat Regina and Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts will be performed at 2PM and 6PM respectively at 274 Moody Street in Waltham, MA as part of the Watch City Steampunk Festival 2017.


Cast lists for Watch City Steampunk Festival ’17 shows!

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We have our current casts for our next round of shows at the Watch City Steampunk Festival 2017, Mrs. Hawking parts 2 and 3, Vivat Regina and Base Instruments!

Vivat Regina by Phoebe Roberts

Mrs. Victoria Hawking: Cari Keebaugh
Miss Mary Stone: Circe Rowan
Mr. Nathaniel Hawking: Christian Krenek
Mrs. Johanna Braun: Remony Perlman
Mrs. Clara Hawking: Morgan Capodilupo
Officer Arthur Swann: Matthew Kamm
Frau Kirsten Gerhard: Sara Dion
Herr Christoph Austerlitz: Andrew Prentice
Ensemble: Travis Ellis, Ryan McClair

Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts

Mrs. Victoria Hawking: Cari Keebaugh
Miss Mary Stone: Circe Rowan
Mr. Nathaniel Hawking: Christian Krenek
Mrs. Clara Hawking: Morgan Capodilupo
Sergeant Arthur Swann: Matthew Kamm
Mr. Justin Hawking: Eric Cheung
Miss Elena Zakharova: Arielle Kaplan
Henry Cavil, Lord Seacourse: Andrew Prentice
Mr. Kiril Chernovsky: Lucas Commons-Miller
Miss Yulia Sherba: Ava Maag
Ensemble: Sara Dion, Travis Ellis, Ryan McClair

As always, I am so grateful for the cast members who are returning to their roles. Their talent and dedication has done so much to make these productions great. But it’s also an honor to welcome our new cast members, Christian Krenek as Nathaniel, Remony Perlman as Mrs. Braun, Lucas Commons-Miller as Kiril Chernovsky, and Ryan McClair in the ensemble. It’s always fascinating to see how different actors portray the same roles, and a show needs to be able to stand up to multiple interpretations to prove the strength of the script. And new perspectives will always bring freshness and originality to any endeavor. So I can’t wait to see what our new castmembers bring to our process– wish us all luck!

Vivat Regina and Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts will be performed by the Chameleon’s Dish Theater at 2pm and 6pm respectively as part of the in Waltham, MA.


Video recording of Base Instruments at Arisia 2017!

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We are proud to announce the video recording is now available for our performance of Base Instruments at Arisia 2017!

Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts

Base Instruments from sydweinstein on Vimeo.

We are so happy to be able to present part 3 of the Mrs. Hawking series recorded for you to enjoy whenever you like. Thanks so much to Syd Weinstein and crew, who filmed this at Arisia 2017 and edited it together for us.

Please be sure to visit our Shows page for the video recordings of all three of the Mrs. Hawking so far, and see how all the hard work of all the great artists in our cast and crew come together to tell these amazing stories.


Cast lists for Vivat Regina and Base Instruments at Arisia 2017!

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We have finalized our casts for our shows at Arisia 2017, Mrs. Hawking parts 2 and 3, Vivat Regina and Base Instruments!


Vivat Regina by Phoebe Roberts

Mrs. Victoria Hawking: Cari Keebaugh
Miss Mary Stone: Circe Rowan
Mr. Nathaniel Hawking: Jeremiah O’Sullivan
Mrs. Johanna Braun: Joye Thaller
Mrs. Clara Hawking: Sara Smith
Officer Arthur Swann: Matthew Kamm
Frau Kirsten Gerhard: Kitty Drexel
Herr Christoph Austerlitz: Andrew Prentice
Ensemble: Sara Dion, Travis Ellis

Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts

Mrs. Victoria Hawking: Cari Keebaugh
Miss Mary Stone: Circe Rowan
Mr. Nathaniel Hawking: Jeremiah O’Sullivan
Mrs. Clara Hawking: Sara Smith
Sergeant Arthur Swann: Matthew Kamm
Mr. Justin Hawking: Eric Cheung
Miss Elena Zakharova: Arielle Kaplan
Henry Cavil, Lord Seacourse: Andrew Prentice
Mr. Kyril Chernovsky: Isaiah Plovnick
Miss Yulia Sherba: Ava Maag
Ensemble: Sara Dion, Travis Ellis

And of course, our amazing crew:

Technical Director, Set Designer: Bernie Gabin
Costume Designer, Wardrobe Mistress: Jennifer Giorno
Violence Designer: Arielle Kaplan
Additional Sound Design: Neil Marsh

As always, I am honored when collaborators have a good enough time working with us that they want to come back, and we have a large number of actors who are gracing us with their talents again. It’s so great to have the chance to watch them build their performances over multiple arcs, and she how they interpret that character’s continuing journey.

I’m also really excited about our new collaborators! As I’ve mentioned, my longtime friend and theater partner Frances Kimpel has moved on, but I’m delighted to welcome Cari Keebaugh to the role. Additionally, a fellow committee member from the Watch City Steampunk Festival, Isaiah Plovnick, will be taking on his first role with us.

It’s a wonderful group, and I can’t wait to see how they continue the Mrs. Hawking story as an ensemble.

But in addition to this cast, we’re looking for a few additional crew members. If anyone is interested in being our stage manager, we could very much use the help. We wouldn’t need you for every rehearsal, and though it would be great to start having you when the actors get off-book, but the only time absolutely necessary is tech week and the shows, starting January 8th going through Arisia weekend, the 13th through 15th. There is a small stipend available, plus free admission to the Arisia convention. If you’re interested in joining Team Hawking, send us an email at!

Vivat Regina and Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts will be performed January 13th-15th at the Boston Westin Waterfront Hotel as part of Arisia 2017.


Building a prop Victorian gramophone

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People who have experience in the field of properties for the stage may be familiar with a dilemma I’ve run into in producing the Mrs. Hawking plays. Sometimes, your script will call for a specific prop that expensive or difficult to acquire that is needed for only a scene or two, but is integral enough to the plot that it can’t be changed or cut. That means you’re stuck investing in getting or making the damn thing, even though it’s going to be a lot of effort for not a ton of use.

In Vivat Regina, that one prop was the service trolley. It was called for only once in the opening scene, but the action of the scene absolutely depended on it to unfold. Unfortunately, a trolley with the right look for a fancy Victorian party was a pretty specific order, and even at the low end those things don’t come cheap. After a lot of research, the most affordable appropriate one we could find ended up being the single most expensive piece bought for that play.


For Base Instruments, we’ve talked about the challenges of one specific setting. But the showpiece prop in that one will be the gramophone. The device is important in two scenes, the first when listening to the score of La Bayadere helps Mrs. Hawking determine where certain players would have been at a specific time, and the second when it is used to keep the pace of events during the reconstruction of the crime scene.

Invented in 1877, the phonograph would be a pretty hot new piece of technology for our gang in 1883. At that time, only wealthy households might own one. It may be that Mrs. Hawking went out and bought one specifically in the process of working this case. At the time the device operated not with vinyl discs like later models, but instead with the needle running along the grooves in wax cylinders. There’s a brief reference to one in Vivat Regina when Frau Gerhard offers to play Nathaniel the music from Die Fledermaus.


Actual antique phonographs are pretty far out of our budget, we are forced to get creative and build a prop version! The important features are the wooden cabinet, the horn, the crank, and the mechanism with the cylinders. We may be able to get away with obscuring the mechanism by implying that it’s hidden inside a lid, but the others are pretty essential. The current plan is to get a lidded wooden box that can be stained to look fancy, an ornate funnel-shaped piece to stand for the horn, and a brass crack to attach to the side. If need be, the carriage of a typewriter might be made to look like the needle mechanism, but that might be difficult and expensive to get a hold of. In that case, a candle could easily stand in for the wax cylinder.


This will probably be an pricey and perhaps even technically challenging project, but if made correctly it has the potential to be a beautiful and unique piece of stagecraft. Wish me luck putting one together!


Challenges of staging Base Instruments

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This fall we’re going to be going into rehearsals for Base Instruments, the third installment of the Hawking series. I’m extremely excited. Not only is Base Instruments the first true mystery of the series, in my opinion, each installment is better than the last, and so this most recent one is the best story yet. I can’t wait to bring that our audiences at Arisia 2017 next winter. But in moving on to this show, we’re definitely inviting new challenges in the staging process!


First of all, Base Instruments is longer than either of the previous stories. It’s a result of having built up a cast of recurring characters, including not just our three heroes, but also the return of Clara Hawking and Arthur Swann, on top of all the new cast. That will require more rehearsal time, and a different use of our performance time slot. Do we need an intermission this time, for example? But the advantage is that now we can tell multiple story threads at once, switching between the various journeys. It’s actually easier on the cast to have entire scenes to execute their costume changes and other transitions.


There’s also some new design and technical demands. We’re lucky in that we can reuse much of the set and costuming that we’ve put together up to this point, but Base Instruments needs a few new properties in addition. With the Victorian convention of changing for dinner, most of our new characters need a day and an evening look. Here’s hoping I can pull together enough gowns and tuxedo jackets! The great challenge will be in the scenic department— the scene where Mary and Mrs. Hawking investigate the scene of the crime takes place in a dressing room devastated by a fire. We’re still figuring out what the best way to convey that onstage is. Ideally we’ll come across something representational that can be quick and easy to switch on and offstage, but that will take some creativity and engineering to put together.


Lastly, there’s the question of how to block the climax. Unlike the previous two installments, Base Instruments does not have an “action climax,” but instead a scene where the heroes reenact the crime in order to solve it. It’s an information-heavy scene, without some of the flashy action of the highest points of the previous pieces that involved showy fight choreography. The challenge there is to block the reenactment in such a way as to convey the urgency of all the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, so that the audience is on the edge of their seat to finally reach the solution. It is a scene that might benefit from some higher theatricality, which is not always the typical style of our shows. But figuring out exactly how to make it look right, exciting but not over the top, and consistent with the tone of the rest of the show, could have some awesome results.

I’m really excited to get going. I love that the stories have only gotten stronger as they’ve gone on, and that we have the opportunity to bring the third part to life. Wish us luck navigating our way through!

Vivat Regina and Base Instruments by Phoebe Roberts will be performed January 13th-15th at the Boston Westin Waterfront Hotel as part of Arisia 2017.


Recording of Base Instruments staged reading

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Were you hoping to catch the Bare Bones staged reading of Mrs. Hawking part three, Base Instruments, but couldn’t make the performance date? Well, turns out you are in luck, because we were able to capture the reading for your listening pleasure!


The following two files on the Mrs. Hawking YouTube channel have recording of the audio of the Base Instruments reading. Act one is in the first recording and act two is in the second. The quality is not perfect, as they were recorded on the fly during the reading, but they do a good job capturing the performances and the reactions of the audience.

What I particularly enjoy about these is they preserve the natural responses of the listeners in the moment. I really enjoy noting what lines got laughs– Eric Cheung as Justin Hawking had scenes where it was almost a one-to-one laugh-to-line ratio! And I really got a kick out of the charmed reaction they had to the scene between Mary and Arthur. It even draws my attention to where there WASN’T the response I was expecting, so I know where to examine more closely for editing. And of course it captures the awesome performances of the actors. I was really lucky to work with such a talented cast, many of whom were switching not just between characters, but also accents!

So if you missed the Bare Bones reading, please give these a listen. It’s a great way to take in the story of Base Instruments, performed by talented people with live audience feedback, just the way a show like that is intended.

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