The next slate of Mrs. Hawking performances and projects is now ready to be announced!
We are again having a reprise of our Arisia performances at this year’s Watch City Steampunk Festival in Waltham! If you missed seeing part III: Base Instruments and the debut of this year’s brand new show, part IV: Gilded Cages, you will now have the chance this May in Waltham! And for the Steampunk Festival, attendance is TOTALLY FREE!

at the Watch City Steampunk Festival in Waltham, MA
presented by The Chameleon’s Dish Theatre
Base Instruments
by Phoebe Roberts
Saturday, May 12th at 2PM
Gilded Cages
by Phoebe Roberts
Saturday, May 12th at 6PM
At the New England School of Photography
At 274 Moody Street in Waltham, MA
We are now beginning a BRAND NEW MRS. HAWKING PROJECT. Team Hawking is delighted to announce that this year we are going to be making our first foray into film!
As we’ve progressed with the Mrs. Hawking series, it’s become clearer and clearer that while we can bring a great deal to performance onstage, this is really a story that belongs on film. I think a lot of people can agree that this narrative would be properly told as a television show.
So, with the help of Boston local artists Sean Sederholm and Francis Charles Sheehan, we are putting together a short piece to demonstrate all the potential for drama, spectacle, and emotional punch the story has to offer. This twelve-to-fifteen-minute piece will take a form somewhere between a trailer and a short film, capturing the essence of the project and suggesting the full breadth of the narrative. Our hope is by filming a sufficiently fascinating tease, it will entice production companies working at a higher level to invest in and support the project. With luck, we could someday get the resources to produce the full Mrs. Hawking series pilot.
We are making plans to begin filming this summer, right after the Watch City Festival production is done, and with our longtime leads of Cari Keebaugh, Circe Rowan, and Jeremiah O’Sullivan. We’ll have more information about the process here on this website soon. But if you’d like to support bringing this project to a reality, we are accepting donations to put towards the costs of productions. Turns out movies take capital, and we’d be incredibly grateful for anything you’d care to give.
For the “Mrs. Hawking – Proof of Concept” film
Thank you, as always, for any help you give, and for your interest in the Mrs. Hawking project. None of this would be coming to life without our wonderful audience members. So, please join us for our FREE performances of Base Instruments and Gilded Cages in Waltham on Saturday, May 12th, and keep an eye out for more updates on Mrs. Hawking – the Proof of Concept film!
Mrs. Hawking part III: Base Instruments and part IV: Gilded Cages by Phoebe Roberts and Bernie Gabin will be performed at 2PM and 6PM respectively on Saturday, May 12th at the New England School of Photography at 274 Moody Street in Waltham, MA as part of the Watch City Steampunk Festival ’18.