Auditions went well on Monday night for my reading of Mrs. Hawking, and I am pleased to announce I have a lovely cast!
Elizabeth Hunter as Mrs. Victoria Hawking
Gabrielle Geller as Miss Mary Stone
Ryan Kacani as Mr. Nathaniel Hawking
Brad Smith as Lord Cedric Brockton and Narrator 3
Stephanie Karol as Mrs. Celeste Fairmont, Miss Grace Monroe, and Narrator 2
Nick Martucci as Lord Walter Grainger, Mr. John Colchester, and Narrator 1
I was fortunate to have a number of talented people, and it was pretty much a battle between two choices in literally every role. But I am happy with this cast and I think they will not only do a good job representing my piece, but also that they will work well together.
Now I need to get down to brass tacks. The script is mostly prepared, but still needs a last go-over before I send it to the actors in case they want to look at it ahead of time. We have rehearsal dates and location (thanks to the wonderfully generous Ms. Hunter) but I need to block out what sections of the script we’re going to work on when. This project is important to me, so I’m excited to get going on it.
The reading will happen on April 11th at 8PM at Unity Church at 8 William Street in Somerville, so I hope I will see you there!