It’s that time again! We have a cast for our next round of Mrs. Hawking shows this winter, including our most recent show Part V: MRS. FROST, and the debut performance of our all new installment, Part VI: FALLEN WOMEN!

I am excited to welcome our actors, both our longtime collaborators and our new members of the team!


Mrs. Hawking V:
By Phoebe Roberts and Bernie Gabin

Mrs. Victoria Hawking – Cari Keebaugh
Miss Mary Stone – Circe Rowan
Mr. Nathaniel Hawking – Christian Krenek
Madam Malaika Shah – Naomi Ibatsitas
Mrs. Clara Hawking – Sara Smith
Sergeant Arthur Swann – Matthew Kamm
Mrs. Elizabeth Frost – Arielle Kaplan
Mr. Roland Davies – Andrew Prentice
Dr. Terrence Enfield – Jason Tilton
Ensemble – Pieter Wallace


And introducing

Mrs. Hawking VI:
By Phoebe Roberts and Bernie Gabin

Mrs. Victoria Hawking – Cari Keebaugh
Miss Mary Stone – Circe Rowan
Mr. Nathaniel Hawking – Christian Krenek
Mrs. Clara Hawking – Sara Smith
Sergeant Arthur Swann – Matthew Kamm
Mrs. Elizabeth Frost – Arielle Kaplan
Miss Mary Jane Kelly – Sara Dion
Miss Violet Strallan – Elizabeth Ross
Mr. Roland Davies – Andrew Prentice
A Distinguished Matron in Widow’s Weeds – Jenn Benfield
The Ripper – Pieter Wallace
and Miss Malaika Shah – Naomi Ibatsitas
Ensemble – Jason Tilton, Kate Potter


We are so excited to get to work with this awesome cast! It’s always both invigorating and challenging to mount a new show. But we have taken it seriously to try and top our production every single year and every single installment, so we can’t wait to show you what happens to our heroes next!